MAY 2022


Promoting the integration of refugee and migrant children in Europe

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Online Digital Database of good practices at national and EU level now available

IMMERSE has launched its online database with more than 100 resources aimed at identifying supportive environments, educational conditions and practical resources addressed to school leaders, teachers, educators, and social professionals involved in the socio-educational integration of refugee and migrant children.
Picture by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

IMMERSE's response to the arrival of refugee children from Ukraine

Today, with the massive arrival of refugees from Ukraine, we renew our concern and determination for ensuring that schools, cities, regional authorities, and governments have the means and guidance to successfully integrate these children, and to care for and protect them. For this reason, we would like to share the resources and tools of the IMMERSE project to support schools, teachers, authorities, and other interested stakeholders in this endeavour.

Guiding principles for the reception and inclusion of refugee and migrant children

IMMERSE researchers have created a list of ten guiding principles, based on the results of a co-created methodology (involving children and other stakeholders) to define 30 key indicators to monitor socio-educational inclusion. The guiding principles are available in different languages.

Video tutorial on the IMMERSE Hub

A video tutorial available in Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, and Spanish explains how to participate in the IMMERSE Hub, the free platform for schools, professionals and anyone involved or interested in the education and inclusion of migrant children in the host society.
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New educational resources available on the IMMERSE Hub

The IMMERSE Hub includes free educational resources such as lesson plans, workshop ideas, and articles to work on the topics of inclusion and migration in the classroom.

IMMERSE Consortium

Comillas Pontifical University | SPAIN

Zabala Innovation Consulting | SPAIN

INFODEF Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training | SPAIN

Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations | SPAIN


University College Cork | IRELAND

Save the Children Italy | ITALY

DOZ e.V. International | GERMANY

Active Citizen Europe | BELGIUM

Panteion University of Social and Political Studies | GREECE

Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete | GREECE

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 745625. The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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