October 2019 Edition
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IMMERSE Newsletter 01. October 2019

Keep up to date of all the project news and achievements with IMMERSE newsletter

IMMERSE project: Mapping the integration of refugee and migrant children in Europe

IMMERSE is a European initiative funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

IMMERSE aims to enhance the socio-educative inclusion of refugee and migrant children in Europe. Our main goal is to define a new generation of indicators on the integration and socio-educational inclusion of refugee and migrant children in Europe. The project incorporates all relevant stakeholders in the creation and validation of this dashboard of indicators (children and their families, researchers, NGOs, policymakers, educators or learning institutions), so that the data included in the dashboard best reflects the particular needs and expectations of the relevant stakeholders.
IMMERSE consortium is formed by 11 partners from 6 countries: universities specialised in migration and childhood studies, public administrations with competences in migration and education, NGOs focused on child’s rights, integration and protection, companies experts in social innovation and stakeholder engagement and a technology-based company specialised in digital transformation.

The kickoff meeting was held in December 2018 in the premises of Universidad Pontificia Comillas, coordinator of the Project, in Madrid (Spain).

IMMERSE Research Workshops

The IMMERSE research partners have carried out several thematic workshops between May and September 2019. The workshops were organized around the topics of language and culture (Spain and Italy), wellbeing (Ireland and Greece) and gender (Belgium and Germany).
The aim of these workshops was identifying and extracting key issues in order to incorporate them to the dashboard and its conceptual framework.

In total, each partner and country conducted five workshops with migrant and refugee children split by age groups (6-9, 10-12, 13-16, 17-18) and one with migrant and refugee families.
In order to incorporate the technical and professional perspective, each country conducted a “World Café” session, inviting members of the educational community and other relevant professionals who work directly with migrant and refugee children or their families in schools, extra-scholastic activities, civil society organizations or administrations at the local level. Between 20-30 people participated in each of these sessions.

In order to collect the institutional perspective, several interviews were conducted in each country with relevant public authorities at the national and regional levels, as well as with policy and integration experts.

The results of these workshops are being analysed and will be soon published. Keep up to date of all the project news and achievements with IMMERSE newsletter.

Awareness campaign: The right to education, a tool for real and long-term integration

IMMERSE will launch its first awareness campaign The right to education, a tool for real and long-term integration to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The campaign will focus on the importance of the fulfilment of all the rights of migrant and refugee children to achieve real and long-term integration in our communities ensuring social cohesion. The objective of this first edition of the campaign will be to create a debate on Twitter around the concept of integration and its long-term implications.
Follow us on Twitter and our website and get on board on our campaign from 21st October.
Join the IMMERSE community!!


The IMMERSE hub is an online platform aimed at building up a virtual community of those professionals, institutions and actors interested on the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children. The hub will provide you with a common space to share your own experiences, ideas and concerns, and a place to get relevant information, resources and best practices and initiatives related to children integration identified within IMMERSE project.
You can join this online community as from December 2019. Keep updated with IMMERSE newsletter.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 745625. The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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