Press Release

27/ November/ 2023
IMMERSE Press Release 13
IMMERSE project concludes its five-year research with the launch of a Dashboard of Socio-Educational Integration Indicators. This tool offers insights into migrant and refugee children’s integration, aiding policy formulation and educational support.
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16/ November/ 2023
IMMERSE Press Release 12
Dissemination event in Athens on November 20th, hosted by Panteion University, to engage in dialogue with representatives from institutions, the education sector, and the younger generation about the findings in the Greek context and the policy recommendations derived from the project research.
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31/ October/ 2023
IMMERSE Press Release 11
IMMERSE project partners will present their findings, developments and policy recomendations at an event in the European Parliament premises, hosted by Member of the European Parliament Juan Fernando López Aguilar. The event is co-organized with H2020 project Refuge-ed.
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20/ October/ 2023
IMMERSE Press Release 08
Dissemination event in Rome on October 23rd, hosted by Save the Children Italy, to dialogue with representatives from institutions, the education sector, and the younger generation about the survey findings in the Italian context and the identified best practices.
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