IMMERSE Newsletter 02.
June 2020
Keep up to date of all the project news and achievements with IMMERSE newsletter
IMMERSE first review meeting
The IMMERSE consortium celebrated the first project review meeting with external expert evaluators and the Project Officer from the Research Executive Agency. The meeting, held in February 2020 in the premises of the Research Executive Agency in Brussels, was aimed at reviewing the progress and achievements during the first 12 months of the project implementation.
During the meeting, the Work Package leaders presented the project results achieved regarding the scientific work, dissemination and impact; aligned with the main goal of IMMERSE: define a new generation of indicators on the integration and socio-educational inclusion of refugee and migrant children in Europe.
- The consortium has conducted a review process of existing knowledge in socio-educational inclusion and migrant children integration and developed a Conceptual Framework, providing analytical and empirical bases for the creation of the dashboard of indicators. Furthermore, a field work in 6 countries has been carried out consisting of collaborative workshops and consultations with micro, meso and macro level stakeholders. The results on the topics of intercultural competence and multilingualism, psycho-social well-being and gender have been published in three detailed reports that discuss their implications on the integration of migrant and refugee children across different European contexts. All relevant stakeholders have been incorporated in the co-creation and validation of the dashboard of indicators. This bottom up approach has led to data reflecting the particular needs and expectations of all relevant stakeholders: children and families, researchers, NGOs, policymakers, educators and learning institutions. The development of a Dashboard of thirty indicators is finalised, and a technical report about it has been published. The dashboard will be used in the data collection by the second half of this year.
- IMMERSE hub is now in the pre-production phase and will be shortly launched as an online platform aimed at building up a virtual community of those professionals, institutions and actors interested in the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children.
- Dissemination and communication strategies and materials have been also placed in action, including a first awareness campaign on social media: “the right to education, a tool for real and long-term integration”. The campaign included a mailing to relevant stakeholders, the publication of interviews with migrant students, families and teachers, as well as a Twitter debate and the adherence to UNICEF’s #GOBLUE campaign.
Co-creation of the Dashboard of Indicators
The dashboard of socio-educational integration indicators (D1.5) has been developed on the basis of two complementary approaches: i) review of the existing knowledge in socio-educational inclusion and migrant children integration; and ii) field work by means of collaborative workshops and consultations with micro, meso and macro level stakeholders carried out in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
During this process, several project deliverables have been developed that detail technical features of the final dashboard:
- The Common Conceptual Framework (D1.1) aimed at identifying the main parameters that are key to refugee and migrant children’s integration, providing the analytical and empirical bases for the Dashboard of Indicators.
- Three different reports regarding research to elucidate key parameters on refugee and migrant children integration: report on intercultural competences and multilingualism (D1.2), report on psychosocial and wellbeing (D1.3) and report on gender issues (D1.4).
- A technical report about the evaluation system of socioeducational integration indicators for refugee and migrant children (D1.6).
The Dashboard of Indicators compiles the main parameters and indicators regarding the integration of refugee and migrant children, to be collected and analysed by the partners in the next project phase. To ensure this, the consortium produced a first list of fifty indicators which were submitted to experts. The experts assessed each indicator by the clarity, adequacy, relevance and accessibility of its content, reducing the list to the most solid thirty-five indicators. Later, those thirty-five were presented to groups of stakeholders across three social levels (micro, meso and macro) that assessed how much each indicator could fit a real-world setting. Stakeholders co-created and adjusted the indicators reducing the dashboard to thirty final solid indicators.
The participative methodology applied relies on a bottom up approach aimed at involving all relevant stakeholders in the co-creation of the dashboard of indicators, thus reflecting the particular needs and expectations of children and families, researchers, NGOs, policymakers, educators and learning institutions. The inventory of indicators was submitted to three different groups in each country to lead the co-creation of the inventory of socio-educational integration indicators, ensuring this way that children’s voices remain central. The groups engaged were:
- Public servants and technicians of the local and regional levels involved in migrant integration and refugee services.
- Management at the teaching centres.
- Groups of migrant children consulted through a specific workshop by country.
Data analysis to be carried out later on the project framework will help the consortium to draw a representative image of national and Europe’s reality on refugee and migrant children’s integration. This will allow the development of policy papers with specific recommendations targeting policymakers and educational institutions to foster diverse and inclusive societies.
IMMERSE hub is already available
The IMMERSE hub is an online platform aimed at building up a virtual community of those professionals, institutions and actors interested in the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children.
The hub will provide you with a common space to share your own experiences, ideas and concerns, and a place to get relevant information, resources and best practices and initiatives related to migrant and refugee children integration identified within IMMERSE project.
Within the hub you will be able to:
- Create your personal Profile, describing yourself and including links to your social media.
- Search and follow other Members of the community on the basis of common interest and experiences.
- Create or join to public and private Groups as participative forums for sharing experiences regarding integration to communicate and discuss with the community.
- Update and share Documents in the groups: good practices, projects, guidelines, policy papers, etc.
- Keep updated about the news of the groups and members you follow in your Feed.
- Carry out networking and clustering activities to create a common advocacy agenda around the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children.
You can now join our online community!
IMMERSE consortium
IMMERSE consortium is formed by eleven partners from six countries:
- Comillas Pontifical University (Spain)
- Zabala Innovation Consulting (Spain)
- INFODEF Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training (Spain)
- Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations (Spain)
- Informática el Corte Inglés (Spain)
- University College Cork (Ireland)
- Save the Children Italy (Italy)
- DOZ E. V. International (Germany)
- Active Citizen Europe (Belgium)
- Panteion University of Social and Political Studies (Greece)
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete (Greece)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 745625. The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.