

Vidéos et campagnes de sensibilisation

Vous avez la Clé, campagne 2022

Lignes directrices pour l’accueil et l’inclusion des enfants réfugiés

Voice4Action feuillet de campagne 2021


Carte postale de la campagne de sensibilisation 2020

Ressources éducatives de l’UNICEF en Espagne

Carte postale de campagne de sensibilisation 2019

Outils de communication


Dossier de presse



Identité visuelle



Charte graphique

Latest news

Together we make all the difference

The challenges of minors inclusion in Italy will be presented at our upcoming IMMERSE event in Rome

octobre 18th, 2023|News|

Save the Children - the international organization that has been fighting for over 100 years to save children in danger and ensure them a future - presents the results of their IMMERSE research in an event on October 23rd. Save the [...]

IMMERSE & REFUGE-ED Final event at the European Parliament premises

octobre 9th, 2023|News|

As we mentioned a few days ago, we are currently organizing a highly significant final dissemination event that will take place at the European Parliament premises. We are thrilled to announce that this event will be hosted by Member of [...]

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